Meet Randy
Meet Randy and his wonderful wife of 20-years, Carol. Scroll through the pictures and let's get to know each other better.
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(WORK IN PROGRESS - 100's of documents, interviews, and resources to be added soon...)
My History
After a long journey and my discovery of my declining health due to Hereditary Hemochromatosis - Iron Overload.
I set out on a mission to find out exactly what was this insidious disorder that changed my life in such a horrible way. It was not heard of. It was not taught in Medical Schools. Millions were at Risk and yet no attention was given to it in the way it would help mankind. I felt it was God's plan to have me experience it first hand, to live it so I could communicate and articulate my story to help others who had no clue that they could be affected too. So many doors opened after my relentless efforts to inform the world. The interviews and attention became not only in the United States but world wide from 1992 through 2004.
At the time this was the only way to get the word out, and YES it was a successful effort thanks to the many people I met and at the time and who actually did newsworthy reporting.
A lot has changed since then. Much greater awareness yet now a most unreliable media.
John Hopkins University, Penn State University-Hershey, Health On The Net (HON), Geneva Switzerland,
My History
Now in my late 60's and after undergoing such painful experiences of Massive Blood Clots and a Rare and AGRESSIVE Cancer, it is only God's grace that I'm still alive.
It is clear to me that a focus on Health and Freedom is Paramount in the future years of my life, be it a long or shortened life, I'm committed to fighting the good fight against BIG PHARMA and MEDICAL TYRANNY. Coinciding with that is FREEDOM!!
I have Launched a Grass Roots effort to both inform and motivate fellow citizens of my local community, county, state and nation. It is appropriately called PATRIOT WATCHDOGS...
CDC, NIH, Senate, House of Representatives, White House, & others.
My History
After my Leadership in The Pioneering Days of The Hereditary Hemochromatosis Iron Overload Movement I was blessed with an incredible opportunity to have been recruited by the Prestigious Consulting Firm of Kelly Anderson and Associates, Alexandria Virginia. Just a few short miles from Washington DC I was afforded a new chapter in my life of helping others through my experiences in both Healthcare and Aviation as a Consultant. Business Development was my focus in these areas of my career expertise.
I worked on Capitol Hill and engaged nearly every level of the US Government. It was an exciting time in my life. I will never forget Jim and Nancy Kelly for their faith and trust in me. My work continued in a while new direction.
Health Agencies, Non-Profits, Non-Government Organizations, & Key Stakeholders